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«European Reviews of Chemical Research» – international scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2413-7243

Publication frequency – issued once a year.
Issued from 2014.

2 December 10, 2019

Articles and Statements

1. Ignat Ignatov
Origin of Life in Hot Mineral Water from Hydrothermal Springs and Ponds. Effects of Hydrogen and Nascent Hydrogen. Analyses with Spectral Methods, pH and ORP

European Reviews of Chemical Research, 2019, 6(2): 49-60.
DOI: 10.13187/ercr.2019.2.49CrossRef

The studies were performed of the composition of water, its temperature, pH and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) value in experiments with modelling of primary hydrosphere and possible conditions for origin of first organic forms of life in hot mineral water in hydrothermal springs and open ponds. Experiments with hot mineral and seawater from Bulgaria by IR-spectroscopy with DNES-method and Thermo Nicolet Avatar 360 Fourier-transform IR were conducted. Cactus juice of Echinopsis pachanoi and Jellyfish Aurelia aurita from Black Sea were used as model systems. The reactions of condensation and dehydration in alkaline aqueous solutions with рН = 9–11, resulting in synthesis of larger organic molecules as polymers and short polipeptides from separate molecules, were considered and scrutinized. It was shown that hot alkaline mineral water with temperature from +65 0C to +95 0C and pH value from 8.5 to 10 and ORP with negative value is more suitable for the origination of life and living matter than other analyzed water samples. The pH value of seawater on the contrary is limited to the range of 7,5 to 8,4 units. The research was connected with estimation of the common local extremums in hot mineral and sea water, cactus juice and jellyfish.

URL: http://ejournal14.com/journals_n/1582031421.pdf
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2. Ignat Ignatov, Reneta Toshkova, Georgi Gluhchev, Elisaveta Tzvetkova
Results with IR Spectroscopy of CortiNon+ on the Development of Experimental Graffi Tumor on Hamsters

European Reviews of Chemical Research, 2019, 6(2): 61-67.
DOI: 10.13187/ercr.2019.2.61CrossRef

Studies were conducted with product CortiNon+. CortiNon+ is mix of Liquid Progesterone/DHEA. Progesterone is progestin, a female hormone, produced mostly in the ovaries. DHEA is an endogenous hormone secreted by the adrenal gland of both males and females. The purpose of the research was to analyze the effects over blood serum of hamsters with Graffi tumor (Toshkova, 1995). The analyses have been conducted with Nonequilibrium Energy Spectrum (NES) and Differential Nonequilibrium Energy Spectrum (DNES) methods (Antonov, 1992; Ignatov, 1998). Experiments were carried out about the influence on tumor cells of mice in water. Reduction of DNES spectrum according to the control sample of cells in healthy animals was observed. (Antonov, 1992). Reduction has also been observed in DNES spectrum in blood serum of people having oncological diseases, compared to the one of healthy people (Ignatov, 2012). Such a reduction is most prevalent in (-0.1387 eV; 8.95 μm; 1117 cm-1). The investigation of blood serum from hamsters injected with Graffi tumor cells and treated with CortiNon+ demonstrated a reduction in DNES spectrum in the range (-0.08 – -0.14 eV) (8.9 –15.5μm) (645–1129 cm-1) (Toshkova et al., 2019).

URL: http://ejournal14.com/journals_n/1582031439.pdf
Number of views: 838      Download in PDF

3. Nedyalka Valcheva
Physicochemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Thermal Healing Spring Waters in the District of Burgas

European Reviews of Chemical Research, 2019, 6(2): 68-74.
DOI: 10.13187/ercr.2019.2.68CrossRef

Defined are the physicochemical properties of healing thermal spring waters in the area of Burgas District. It is shown that according to 18 controlled parameters included in the research, the thermal healing spring water village of Shivarovo, thermal healing spring water village of Polyanovo, fulfill the required conditions for drinking water. The spring waters from the given four water sources are characterized by microbiological indicators, as the pathogenic micro-organisms are defined by the membrane method. It is established that thermal healing spring water Burgas Mineral baths, thermal healing spring water village of Shivarovo, thermal healing spring water of village of Polyanovo, fulfill the standard requirements. The healing water of village Judge, District ofBurgas does not conform to the physicochemical indicators given for fluorides, and microbiological indicators with regards to coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli and enterococci.

URL: http://ejournal14.com/journals_n/1582031465.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal14.com/journals_n/1582031475.pdf
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